layer cage

The Importance of Daily Observation in the Farm

1.  Observe the mental state of the chickens Modern chicken farm,healthy flocks are active, in good spirits, responsive, and have

The dangers of laying hens prematurely

There are three stages of laying hens Laying hens can be divided into three stages according to their production cycle:

brooding chicks

Chicks breeding tips to share,learn quickly!

How to raise chicks? Chick refers to the chick just out of the shell, chick social strong, metabolism, rapid growth.However,

Improving the hatching rate in chicken farms?

How to prevent cold stress in chickens?

Nowadays, the impact of cold stress on poultry production performance and disease resistance is becoming more and more serious. Especially

The advantages of breeding broiler over laying hens

How to raise broilers to grow fast?

In the production of broiler chickens, slaughter weight is an important indicator to measure the effect of broiler breeding. So

automatic layer chicken farm

How to effectively reduce egg breakage in chicken farms?

In production, the chicken farm should always pay attention to the egg damage of the flock and assess whether the

how to build chicken farm

How to choose layer cage for your poultry farm?

What is layer cage? Layer cage is rearing egg laying chicken, after pullet growing up to 12 weeks or 16